ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev368 « ACS NEWS

ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev368

2021 年 1 月 8 日 by yo yamgatta
正月休み明け、気付いたら2020年大晦日に Rev368 がリリースされていました。

1) Added new PATTERNCOMPONENT PV (pressure*velocity)
in the PATTERN post-processing menu. PV is
frequently used as a metric for scuffing failure.

2) Corrected contact result scripts. They had a mistake
in the calculation of grid length, so their load-
intensity was incorrect.

3) Added extra clearance parameter for contact between
TIP and ROOT of SUN and RING gears

4) Added feature to specify NODESET for imported
housing/carrier races.

5) Added feature to apply taper error on journal bearing races

6) Added feature to apply deflection/force at master nodes of
condensed housing

7) Added two new templates THINRIMTIP.TPL, and
when modeling tip contact in involute gears. These
new templates generate a correct cylindrical
surface at the tip.

8) Relaxed the check for root-tip interference for
conformal SUN-RING gear pairs. This allows the
modeling of interference effects without error messages.

9) Added an new error message to be triggered when
using modification files with imported hypoid mesh files.
The error message is emitted if a modification file
is used, but the REGENERATE flag is turned off.

10)Added script for obtaining pinion-shaft deflection
data, postpinionshaftdeflection.cmd.

11)Corrected the rotor shaft deflection script
postshaftdeflection.cmd. It was crashing when an
imported FE mesh is used in a rotor shaft.

PINSHAFT (for helical pinions).

13)Increased the max value for NAXIALDIVS of the roller
bearings to 128.

14)Corrected Transmission3D users manual. The links
and table of contents were broken.

15)Bug fix to manufacturing errors of SHAFT segment.

16)Bug fix - FaceHobbed Hypoid mesh generator with
straight TOPREM

17)Bug Fix: Extra clearance for SUNTIP_ROTORSHAFT and
RINGTIP_ROTORSHAFT was not applied correctly.

18)Bug Fix: Hypoid mesh generator with CMM modification
was incorrectly processing measured points that
were not found on the surface of the tooth.

