ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev387 « ACS NEWS

ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev387

2024 年 9 月 17 日 by yo yamgatta
ANSOL T3DのRev387がリリースされました。

リリースノート(T3D Rev387)


Session File Version : 2.5500|0.1347
Transmission3D SDF Version : 0.1347
Build Date : 2024/09/09
Source Revision : 9744

1) A new ADDBASESHAFT button/command has been added for hypoids
that are of TYPE=CALYXMESH.

2) Updated the Flank Twist schematic that is shown in iSys

3) Added 5 more components to the stress vector
calculated by the calyx script function Get_Subsurface_Stress().
The new components are s,2s2,s3,MaxShear, and VonMises

4) Updated the scripts postgearsubsurfacestressfield.cmd and
postrollerbearingsubsurfacestressfield.cmd to reflect the
additional data added to the Get_Subsurface_Stress() calyx

5) Added a powerpoint file HypoidMeshForceLOA.pptx to go with
the script HypoidMeshForceLOAScript.cmd.

6) Added depth location to the output of BRGCONTACT menu

7) Increased the order of integration used for calculating local
compliances. Previously, compliances
calculated near the tip had excessive numerical noise,
creating numerical noise in contact forces.
Increasing the order of integration fixed the problem
in one example.

8) The Face-hobbed mesh generator has been modified to also
return the thickness value and measurement location (r,z).

9) Bug Fix: OP2 file export was not working for a
planetary or differential pinion mesh when NGROUPS>1,
and the selected body was that of a GROUP greater than 1.

10)Improved the bevel AUTOBASECONE behavior for bevel gear
point clouds that include web information.

11)Added a new error message when secondary or tertiary
face cone failed to generate for involute gears.

12)In vGlass, the contact center line, grid and pattern meshes
will now be displayed only if the mesh instance on which
they are being drawn is visible in vGlass. They will be
disappear if the parent mesh is turned off by the user

13)The automatically generated pinion bearing names were
too long causing trouble picking them out in
identify in the post-processing menus through Guide.

14)StepConverter : Changed intersecting surface from a plane
to a conical surface at each slice. This improves the
cross-section at heel end of the tooth and fixed issues
with generating partial segments in certain models.

15)StepCreate: Updated bevel CAD export to include tertiary
face cone.

16)StepCreate: Added three new inputs (nFacePts, nProfilePts,
offset tolerance).

17)Bug Fix: Incorrect TYPE used to generate pinion thrust
roller bearings. This was causing a model with pinion
thrust bearings to crash.

18)Fixed the sample PlanetaryExamples/FECarrier/

19)Bug Fix: Incorrectly calculated initial separation for
a WASHER_PINIONSHAFT surface pair used for bevel pinions.

20)vGlass Bug Fix: Incorrect plot displayed for contact
mesh points in the Pick Tab.

21)vGlass Bug Fix: Stress vs Extended time charts crashed for
points on planetary pinions when NGROUPS>1.

22)Bug Fix: Fixed the tooth display in iSys,
is set for a face milled gear, but
the NORMAL_THICKNESS does not have a value defined in iSys.
Similarly, for a face-hobbed pinion, if USE_CMM_THICKNESS
is set, but the NORMAL_THICKNESS does not have a value defined,tooth
was not being displayed.

23)Bug Fix: Fixed the visibility of tertiary face cone inputs in
the iSys custom menu for Involute gears.

24)Bug Fix: Fixed bevel pinion not visible in 3D view in iSys when
the point cloud includes webs.


