ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev389 « ACS NEWS

ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev389

2025 年 3 月 24 日 by yo yamgatta
ANSOL T3DのRev389がリリースされました。

リリースノート(T3D Rev389)


Session File Version : 2.5700|0.1354
Transmission3D SDF Version : 0.1354
Build Date : 2025/03/18
Source Revision : 10001

1) Added a global reference frame to the 3D view of the EDIT
menu in iSys.

2) Now the chamfer feature works correctly for External hobbed,
form-ground, beveloid gears, and also internal broached and
form-ground gears.

3) A Chamfer corner radius parameter has been added to smooth the
slope discontinuity at the chamfer corner. This corner
radius can be increased to get rid of surface ripples near the

4) Added an input field to allow a user to specify the Xverse Module
for a Beveloid gear.

5) Added display of PitchDia under the “Calculated Values” panel
for a Beveloid gear.

6) Added a display of the mesh Planes of action, Lines of Action,
Base Cylinders, and Pitch Circles for the beveloid gear pairs.
These are automatically recalculated when either the rotor or
Sun tooth parameters are changed.

7) Added display of connected nodes at bevel washer interface, and
the connected nodes at a bevel pin interface.

8) Added new sub menus to CONNECTOR menu (RACE1, RACE2). These two
menus can be used to control the 3D visibility of detailed bearing races
individually in iSys 3D. The visibility of the rollers can be
controlled through the CAGE menu’s visibility. Previously the
entire bearing needed to be turned on/off.

9) For a Spline connector, the 3D visibility of thespline and spline-rest
meshes can be controlled independently using RACE1/RACE2 menu.

10)We now write out the hob profile to a *.hob file in the
calyxtmp folder.

11)The 3D visibility of an imported carrier file is now
controlled by the FILE submenu. This will allow independently
hiding individual files within the imported carrier.

12)The nodes associated with CARRIERHOLES are now displayed.

13)Updated Carrier InternalRace and File custom menu.

14)Added tip interference check for SUN_RING pairs between
tips of mating members in an internal helical mesh.
This is relevant in designs when tooth difference between the
RING and the SUN is 8 or less, and tip interference is possible.

15) When there is a negative jacobian in a finite element, and you use
the CHECKJACOBIAN command to detect it, it reports the
elements where a negative Jacobian is found, but it was not
reporting the element local coordinates (Xi,Eta,Zeta) for
non-shell elements. Now it reports the (Xi,Eta,Zeta) values.

16)Added checks and warnings for the condition when an
imported mesh consists of disconnected regions (regions
that are not connected by either elements or nodes.)
Regions with just unattached nodes but no elements or rigid
regions are not considered here.

17)Updated graphics and compression libraries
libharu from version 2.1.0 to version 2.3.0RC2,
lpng from version 1.2.33 to 1.6.43 and
zlib from version 1.2.3 to version 1.3.1

18)We now display approximate blank dimensions in the
Information window when loading from a numerical point
cloud for bevel gears. When the GENERATE command issued,
and point cloud data is being used, the mesh generator
calculates the extreme extents of the point cloud and
displays the corresponding blank dimensions. This
information can be useful if it becomes necessary
to change the dimensions of the gear to fit within
the extent of the point cloud.

19)Added Beveloid gear examples in the SAMPLES/Beveloid folder

20)Added Stepped Pinion examples in SAMPLES/PlanetaryExamples/SteppedPinion

21)Added a sample for the tip intereference calculations under

22)Corrected the explanations in the *MeshForceLOAScript.cmd files.

23)Added an example of useing a condensed housing stiffness
created by Ansys. It is in SAMPLES/AnsysCondensedHousing

24)Bug Fix: The previous rrelease (Rev 388) was crashing on
some models of planetary systems with PINION-PINION contact.

25)Bug Fix: The SEARCHSTRESS menu was generating excessive
amounts of text in the log window. The made Guide spend too
much time scrolling the Information window, even after
the calculations were completed. This issue had been introduced
in the previous release (Rev 388). It is now fixed.

26)Bug Fix :Fixed mismatch in helix angle error when
loading Gleason XML inspection file.

27)Bug Fix: Incorrect Secondary Face Cone controls were being
displayed for a Beveloid gears in the Custom menu.

28)Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in FATIGUE menu,”Mesh frequency is undefined”.

29)Bug fix: Transmission3D was crashing if the delta temperature
of a pinion bearing was set to any nonzero value. This bug was
introduced in the previous release when the function
CheckHydrodynamicBearings() was added to the SDF file.

30)Bug Fix: When a diff cage with bevel pinions
contacts with a side gear that has AXISDIRECTION=OPPOSITE
and at the same time THETAGROUP not equal to
zero for the first group, the pinions and side gear
were incorrectly synchronized.

31)Bug fix: When a rotor of TYPE=ATTACHEDTOHOUSING connects to a
housing of TYPE=RIGID, all its dofsets were being constrained, including
dofsets not directly connected to races on the housing. This has
now been corrected. Only rotor dofsets that directly connect to
housing races are now constrained.

32)Bug Fix: When a Nastran file is formatted as a Windows ASCII file (each
line ends with a CRLF pair), card continuation markers (the
trailing commas) were not being found correctly.

33)Bug Fix: The vGlass images folder was missing in the non-admin deployment
project for Transmission3D. vGlass was not starting up correctly
with a Non-Admin installation.

34)Bug Fix: For a face-hobbed hypoid gear or pinion, if the tooth thickness values
are unintialized, and the USECMMTHICKNESS checkbox is used
to read the thickness from a CMM files, then it was unnecessarily
giving an error message.

35)Bug Fix: Fixed the problem with synchronization of a Beveloid gear pair
that happens when the axes of the two rotors are pointed in the opposite

36)Bug Fix: When a pattern of Wear is prepared, we are writing
the title in the output file as “mag(Wear,m)”. But
the units of wear are in cosistent units so (m) is
not correct. Replaced by “mag(Wear)”.


