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2024 年 7 月 のアーカイブ

ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev385 and Rev386

2024 年 7 月 17 日 水曜日
ANSOL T3DのRev385とRev386が続けてリリースされました。

リリースノート(T3D Rev386)

Session File Version : 2.5500|0.1347
Transmission3D SDF Version : 0.1347
Build Date : 2024/07/05
Source Revision : 9688

1) The program iSys.exe has been modified so that
any version (starting with Rev 386)
of the program can be started, regardless of which
version has been installed. You only
need to make sure that the associated version of
the SDF file Transmission3Dcr.sdf
has been saved in the same directory as
that iSys.exe.
2) When the number of time steps in a .IGL file is =1,
the Pick menu in vGlass can now show a
graph of Attrib vs Extended Time.
3) The StepCreate.exe program bundled in the
StepConvert.msi installer can now generate
CAD files for involute gears (suns, rings, pinions).
4) Bug fix: The new pinion bearing with type
set to THRUSTROLLER was found to crash for one
specific data set.
5) Bug fix: When you pick a point on a mesh using
the mouse, the attribute values displayed in the
Pick menu were being shown at the wrong time
instant, even though the Attrib. vs Time graph was

リリースノート(T3D Rev385)

Session File Version : 2.5500|0.1347
Transmission3D SDF Version : 0.1347
Build Date : 2024/06/26
Source Revision : 9671

1) Added option to add Secondary and Tertiary face cones
on involute gears (SUN, RING and PINION)

2) Updated lubricant density calculation in FilmThickness
and Friction Coefficient calculation based on ISO/TS 6336-22
standard. The old standard incorrectly used 289K as the
reference temperature when calculating the density of the
lubricant. The correct value should be 288K, as
mentioned in the updated standard ISO/TS 6336-22.

3) Added LENGTHSCALEFACTOR for scaling an imported hypoid
mesh for a HYPOID gear. This LENGTHSCALEFACTOR is only used when the
REGENERATE flag is enabled.

4) Updated Installer to allow the selection of
the 3D viewer associated with .IGL files. It can
be set to either the old iGlass.exe, or the newer

5) Implemented thrust roller/stiffness bearings for
helical planetary pinions.

6) Changed roller and journal bearing names iin
the postprocessing menus from internally generated
default values to user defined strings.

7) Updated iGlass file version from 2.18 to 2.19. Version 2.19
has candidates fluid film load in addition to contact load.

8) Added Roller Bearing Modification diagrams for the
Connector menus in Guide and iSys.

9) Fixed POSTPROC->BRGCONTACT plot header when roller
loads are zero.

10)Removed the minimum limit on the STARTTORQUEFACTOR and
Now we will allow these factors to turn negative.

11)Added code to read hypoid pinion and gear whole-depth information
from a .spa file if it is available. Having a value for
the whole depth allows us to have a better guess for the
profile parameter for non-linear search, during mesh generation.
This improves the rubustness of the mesh generator.

12)Improved grid lines using actual surface coordinates
for non-involute gears in the PATTERN menu.

13)Enabled press-fit on conical shaft segments for
rotor shaft segment

14)Improved the fillet generation of spherical involute
straight bevel gears.

15)Fixed a problem with convergence in the face-hobbed mesh
generator, when a point is very close to the start of Toprem.

16)Aded a checkbox in the PAIRS menu which, for a
conformal SUN-RING pair, will allow the user to specify which side
of the tooth is loaded. This should be used in situations
where Transmission3D cannot correctly calculate beforehand
which side of the tooth is going to be loaded. Such a situation
can arise when the spline is between a sun and a ring on the
same rotor.

17)Added code to calculate the Base cone RA,ZA,RB,ZB values by
reading data inside an imported tooth .msh file. This is useful
when loading .msh files generated by Kimos, for whom
RA,ZA,RB,ZB are unknown.

18)Added new charts in vGlass showing stress history vs time.

19)Updated the FATIGUE menu to allow the MAX_DAMAGE criterion
with automatic rainflow counting in the POSTPROC|FATIGUE menu,
for detailed gear-spline contacts.

20)The file syseqns.m was being written if VerbosityLevel>2. But
this file can get very large, and was wasting disk space and CPU time.
So now the file will be written only if VerbosityLevel>6

21)Bug Fix: DOAUTOBASECONE was not working correctly *from iSys* for
an imported hypoid mesh that has REGENERATE turned ON. It was working
from Guide or the command line.

22)Bug Fix : Fixed the problem in vGlass with the sliders used for
contact load intensity, contact pressure, and contact patterns.
They were not working when the scale factors needed to be very
small because of the format used to display the text.

23)Bug Fix: Fixed the problem where zero values were sometimes
being displayed as “-0” in iSys.

24)Bug Fix: Fixed problem with the formatting of the
input data shown in the involute 2D transverse schematic diagram.

25)Bug Fix: Fixed an issue in selecting loaded side for
pair is defined inside CARRIER menu.

26)Bug Fix: Edge Load intensity value was incorrect at
the last point(TFACE=+1.0) in edge load intensity vs
TFACE plot.

27)Bug Fix: Incorrect loaded fillet name in SUN_PINON pair

28)Bug Fix: Updated error messages in straight bevel
mesh generator and improve toe web intersection for
point cloud profiles with web surfaces.

29)Bug fix: A rotor that is attached to a housing, while
at the same time is attached to a journal bearing was
was not attaching correctly to the journal.

30)Bug Fix: Line at SPROF=16 or 32 was not drawn for
involute gears in the PATTERN plot.

31)Bug Fix: Incorrect ZETA values were shown in the
BEVEL->SIDE->MODIFICATION menu in the iSys interface

32)Bug Fix: Fixed ADDBASESHAFT macro in ROTOR->BEVEL
menu when INCLUDEWEB flag is turned ON.

33)Bug Fix: multyx was crashing if a bad pdffile name was
provided to it. The crash happens when multyx tries to close
this bad file, or write to it.

34)Bug Fix: For a rolling element bearing, the outer race
was always being used as the reference race, regardless
of the choice made by the user.

35)Bug Fix: Change required number of points of roller
tabular mods from 2 to 4

36)Bug Fix: Imported carrier was not visible in iSys’
3D view when there are no races on the carrier.

37)Bug Fix: When we run SearchSurfStress with
DOLOCALFIELD=TRUE, and the number of instances
selected was larger than 1, reported stress
numbers were incorrectly calculated.

38)Bug Fix: Guide crashed if the number of
options available under a Switch command exceeded 1024.
Now the limit has been increased to 64*1024.

39)Bug Fix: FEProbes with velocity of acceleration sensors
were crashing calyx ahen using Intel’s new clang based
compiler, when running a dynamic analysis. The root
cause was a compiler bug, which we needed to work around.

40)Added the calyx manual to the repository.

41)Updated the Transmission3D Users Manual and the
Multyx Pre-and Post-Processing Manual.