ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev363 « ACS NEWS

ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev363

2020 年 6 月 2 日 by yo yamgatta

改良版 Rev363 がリリースされました。

Rev: 363
Author: sandeep
Last modification:Rev 363 - 2020-05-27 09:38:49 -0400 (Wed, 27 May 2020)
Log message: 2020/05/27
1) Corrected the error message that is generated by the FATIGUE
menu when any of the mesh frequencies associated with a tooth
are zero. In such a situation, loads are static, and
there are no load reversals, fatigue damage cannot be calculated.
2) Added a PREPARE command in the BATCH menu. This new command
prepares a job file but does not submit it. The user can
then modify the job file before submitting manually
3) Added new checkbox COMPUTE_CONTACT_DEFLECTION to the
SETUP menu. If this flag is turned on, then deflections of the
contact surfaces will be computed. This calculation
requires more RAM and can potentially slow down an
analysis. The contact surface normal deflection can
then be retrieved through the Get_Load_Data() script
4) Corrected the matching depth for tapered roller bearings
with lip contact. The incorrect matching depth was
causing artificially high contact pressure predictions.
5) Added a preliminary sample for the calculation of natural modes
of a body.
6) Added documentation about the frequency spectrum OP2 file
generation in Chapter 14 of the examples manual.
7) Added documentation about the iSys user interface in the
users manual.
8) Bug Fix: Fixed a crash that is triggered when a
DeltaTemperature is applied to a planetary pinion bearing whose
outer diameter connects to the pin and inner diameter
connects to the pinion.
9) Bug Fix: Fixed incorrect schematic diagrams shown for thrust
needle bearings.

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