ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev355 « ACS NEWS

ANSOL Transmisson3D Rev355

2019 年 9 月 26 日 by yo yamgatta


r355 | sandeep | 2019-09-25 13:44:25 -0400 (Wed, 25 Sep 2019) | 111 lines 2019/09/25 ========== 1) Added a new OP2FILES sub-menu in the main menu, next to the FEPROBES and LOADSESNSORS submenus. This new menu controls the writing of frequency domain surface displacement, velocity or acceleration data for imported structures such as housings and carriers. The menu asks for list of frequencies that need to be extracted. The harmonic content of the response depends on the the DELTATIME and NTIMESTEP values specified in the SETUP|RANGE MENU. The harmonic orders that are closest to the user requested frequencies will be calculated and output to the OP2 file. The SETUP|RANGE menu contains a new checkbox called WRITEOP2FILES which will allow the user to selectively turn ON/OFF the OP2 file output for each RANGE. 2) Added a new example under SAMPLES/RearAxleDynamics that shows how to perform a time-domain dynamic analysis of an axle with a hypoid set, a housing, a diff-cage, differential bevel gears, and rolling element bearings. The example performs a DFT on the surface velocity of the housing and outputs an OP2 file with 100 user selected frequencies. The example shows how the DFT selects orders that are closest to the user specified frequencies. There is a Coustyx .cyx file that contains an acoustic model of the same system. The frequency response data OP2 file from Transmission3D must be loaded into the Coustyx model before running the acoustic analysis. 3) Added new script PostOP2FreqResponse.cmd to generate an OP2 file with the frequency spectrum of surface velocity on a Housing. This script will work only for dynamic analysis results. 4) Added offset parameters for lumped mass in the rigid carrier menu. The location of the lumped mass is being shown in the 3D view. Using a rigid carrier with zero pinions is the recommended method for adding lumped masses and moments of inertia to a specific location in a rotor. 5) Added an ADAPTIVERESET flag in the RANGE menu for all but the first range. If this flag is checked, then the adaptive process will be re-triggered at the start of the range. For the first range, the adaptive process is triggered regardless. Use this flag, if for instance, the torque changes from one range to the next. 6) Added the ADAPTALLSTEPS flag in the PAIRS menu. If this flag is turned on, then the adaptive process will be re-triggered for each time step of each range. This can be useful if there is significant variation in the contact zone width from each time step to the next. 7) Added capability to output backlash of gear pairs. When the backside contact BACKCONTACT checkbox is turned ON in the PAIRS menu, it is possible to calculate the *unloaded* backlash from the grid cell geometry during the analysis step itself. The results are written to the file calyxtmp/BACKLASH.DAT. Each row has the backlash results for a single time step. The first column contains the value of Time. Subsequent columns contain the angular backlash in Radians and linear backlash at a single PAIR. The pair types that are processed are SUN-SUN, SUN-RING, SUN-PINION, RING-PINION, PINION-PINION, HYPOID-HYPOID, BEVEL-BEVEL, BEVEL-PINION from PAIRS menu and SUN-PINION, RING-PINION, PINION-PINION from CARRIERPAIR menu. For pairs involving pinions, (2*NGROUPS) columns will be output. For all other types, two columns will be output. The sequence of columns will follow the sequence of pairs in the PAIRS menu followed by pairs in CARRIERPAIR menu. For HYPOID_HYPOID, BEVEL-BEVEL,BEVEL-PINION pairs the linear backlash is calculated at at 90% gear facewidth, halfway up the tooth. For other (involute) pairs the linear backlash is computed at the involute base radius of the gear. For BEVEL_BEVEL, SUN_SUN pairs linear backlash is calculated for member 2. For SUN_PINION, RING_PINION, PINION_PINION and BEVEL_PINION the linear backlash is calculated at member 1. For a HYPOID_HYPOID pair, the linear backlash is calculated at the gear identified by the ISPINIONMEMEBER1 flag. 8) Added new script postwashercontactresults.cmd for Washer contact loads. 9) Added new script BevelMeshForceLOAScript.cmd to calculate the line of action and mesh stiffness variation for a bevel pair. 10) Added two spreadsheets to help with the calculation of tapered bearing LargeEndDia and thrust center location from the pitch diameter and roller mid-section diameter. The spreadsheet TaperedBearing_Calc.xlsx is for normal tapered bearings, and TaperedBearing_Calc_Inverted.xlsx is for an inverted tapered roller bearing where the lip occurs on the cup (the outer race). 11) Added modification charts in iSys for straight bevel gears. 12) Bug fix: Journal bearing connectors were not correctly treating the CURVATURE values for the races. 13) Bug fix: The QTRSPACECORRECTION option in the PAIRS menu was crashing the contact solver in one example. 14) Bug fix: The constrained nodes inside an imported finite element model for a carrier were not being displayed in the 3D view for the case where there are multiple files. 15) Bug fix: The rolling element schematic figures were not visible for bearings that are defined inside the carrier menu. 16) Bug Fix: Straight bevel gears failed to generate secondary face cone with negative OUTERANGLE. 17) Bug Fix: Fixed "Undefined variable" error when calculating separation tolerance for pinion journal for a straight bevel pinon with PROFILETYPE=POINTCLOUD. 18) Bug Fix: The 3D view of a pinion shaft segment or pin shaft segment was not being updated when the THETABEGIN and THETAEND parameters were changed. 19) Bug fix: The hypoid mesh generator was not correctly dealing with the condition when a tertiary face cone angle is greater than 90 Degrees. 20) Bug fix: Fixed convergence problem encountered in face-hobbed mesh generator. 21) Bug fix: Fixed problem with the treatment of secondary and tertiary face cones: the element boundaries did not line up with the intersection of face cones when the intersection point was very close to the toe or heel.

