LSDYNA Rev10.1.0

2018 年 1 月 26 日 by yo yamgatta

R10.1 は基本的にはR10.0のバグフィックス版ですが、リリースノートには、”ADD” 新機能も

SMP、MPP、HybridのWindows, Linux版は弊社サイトからダウンロード可能です。


This file constitutes revision 0 of the release notes for LS-DYNA version R10.1.0.


The string "REVISION 10" must appear in the LS-DYNA license file in order to run
version R10.1.0. Please contact your LS-DYNA distributor ( if
you're a direct customer of LSTC) if you need to have your license updated.



Documentation of R10.1.0 is provided in the R10.0 User's Manual which may
be downloaded from



The remainder of this file describes what's been added or fixed in version R10.1.0
since the release of version R10.0.0. The changes are primarily just bug fixes.

The items are arranged by category. Understand that in many cases,
a particular item could fall under more than one category, but in the
interest of brevity, each item is listed only once, under a single category.

Excluding the "Miscellaneous" category, the categories are arranged alphabetically.

The categories are:

________________________ *AIRBAG ___________________
________________________ ALE ___________________
________________________ *BOUNDARY ___________________
________________________ Blast ___________________
________________________ CESE (Compressible Fluid Solver) ________________
________________________ CONTACT ___________________
________________________ *CONSTRAINED ___________________
________________________ *CONTROL ___________________
________________________ Discrete Element Method ___________________
________________________ *ELEMENT ___________________
________________________ Forming Analysis __________
________________________ *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN ___________________
________________________ ICFD (Incompressible Fluid Solver) ______________
________________________ Implicit (Mechanical) Solver _______
________________________ *INITIAL ___________________
________________________ *LOAD ___________________
________________________ *MAT and *EOS ______________
________________________ MPP ___________________
________________________ Output ___________________
________________________ Restarts ___________________
________________________ SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) ______________
________________________ Thermal Solver ____________
________________________ Miscellaneous ___________________


________________________ *AIRBAG ___________________

Fix an airbag bug that can cause MPP to crash when an airbag reference geoemtry
is used in a huge model.

Improvements to *AIRBAG_PARTICLE:
- Extend the exterior air drag force capability (CD_EXT) to UP airbag after
 switching CPM (corpuscular particle method) to UP (uniform pressure)
via TSW variable.
- FRIC, PFRIC parameter for surface roughness:
Absolute value is ID of curve defining FRIC vs. part pressure.
.GT.-1 .AND. .LT.1
Specifies the factor.
ID of *DEFINE_FUNCTION defining FRIC. Bag pressure, bag volume, and current
time are passed as arguments into the function.
This value will be automatically set to -abs(NP_RELX) for stability while
using IAIR=4.

Data on this card has higher priority than data specified in *MAT_FABRIC.
ID of *DEFINE_FUNCTION. Absolute part pressure and current time are passed
as arguments into this function that determines the leakage factor.
ID of load curve for leakage velocity vs. absolute pressure.
Leakage factor (a constant).

*DEFINE_CPM_BAG_INTERACTION treats airbags with chambers and allows interaction
with different gas components in each bag.

________________________ ALE ___________________

Fixed bug in Structured ALE for cases with ESORT=1 in *CONTROL_SOLID.
Element ID mismatch would cause ALE element volume fraction to be assigned
wrong value.

________________________ *BOUNDARY ___________________

Correct printing to files "mcol" and "mcolkine" in both SMP and MPP.
Solution is unaffected by this correction.

Fix a bug related to option _SET, so the option works with solid elements.

________________________ Blast ___________________

Fixed *PARTICLE_BLAST bug if detonation point is defined using a node (MPP only).

________________________ CESE (Compressible Fluid Solver) ________________

Corrected a prescribed boundary input reading error.
This fix will only affect calculations if the user accidentally
used the 'SEGMENT' option in the '*CESE_BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_OPTION' card.

Corrected geometry deduction errors in the 2D rotation case of
CESE cyclic boundary conditions.

Internal sorted element indexing is now taken into account for
the structural elements involved in the newer CESE conjugate
heat transfer solvers.

CESE immersed-boundary method (IBM) FSI solvers:
For wedge (prism) elements, fixed some internal geometry calculations
for the 3D immersed boundary conjugate heat transfer solver.

________________________ CONTACT ___________________

Fix reported forces and energies for

Add command line option "soft=" for switching value of SOFT in contacts:
- "soft=2to1" converts all SOFT=2 contacts to SOFT=1;
- "soft=1to2" converts SURFACE_TO_SURFACE and SINGLE_SURFACE contacts with
SOFT=1 to SOFT=2. This option does not set other variables related to
SOFT=2, e.g., SBOPT and DEPTH.

Fix *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID switching using contact forces, CODE=2 & 4, when the


Fixed ISLIDE option of *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC in MPP version. Some data was
incorrectly accessed leading to possible termination or bad results.

Fixed an error in segment based (SOFT=2) eroding contact that caused the contact to not
create new segments on interior elements when there were no active segments
at the start of the run. This error was most likely to occur in MPP runs when
decomposition can result in a partition that has no active segments at the
start of the run.

Changed the behavior of segment based contact when the contact keyword indicates
a surface to surface contact, but the master surface has no segments. In older
versions, the contact would use the slave segments and do a single surface contact
with them. Going forward, the contact will not do anything because the slave surface
has nothing to contact.

Fixed some contact options when using linear 3D solids or linear shell elements
in implicit analysis. These elements were causing a zero explicit time step, and
some contact algorithms use this explicit step in the denominator of the stiffness matrix.
These include SOFT=1 contact, SOFT=2 contact, and tied contact by the penalty method.

Fixed SMP segment based contact with on *CONTROL_SHELL.
Nodal coordinates were being changed.

Fixed a flaw in the support of SSF on *PART_CONTACT when using segment based (SOFT=2)
contact with DEPTH=5. The consequence was to sometimes choose the wrong part when
looking up the scale factor so the stiffness was not predictable.

Fix MPP problem where initial coordinates of shell nodes in contact may be moved
inappropriately when NLOC and CNTCO are nonzero.

Fix output of FORCE_TRANSDUCERs that collect groupable beam-to-beam contact forces.

Fix loss of continuity in contact forces for several time steps after a

Fix *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_BEAMS_TO_SURFACE to detect beam contact from both sides
of master segments.

________________________ *CONSTRAINED ___________________

For the case of *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION where two independent nodes had
the same coordinates, a divide by zero could occur during initialization.
This was corrected. A further correction was made to the colinearity check

Add option to define a part ID for visualization beams used with *CONSTRAINED_SPR2.

*CONSTRAINED_SPR2/SPR3: Remove visualization beams from automatic contact.
Undesired contact based deformations could occur.

Fix for *CONSTRAINED_SPR2 with more than two sheets (XPIDi>0 on Card 4).
Errors such as "Beam # ... has zero length" were possible.

________________________ *CONTROL ___________________

Fixed bugs in Staged Construction (*CONTROL_STAGED_CONSTRUCTION).

(1) Tshells were not writing element history data to dynain file.

(2) When starting the analysis at a stage with non-zero start time
(*CONTROL_STAGED_CONSTRUCTION, STGS>1), output data was being sent
to ASCII and binout files every time step, no matter what intervals
were set on *DATABASE_.... This could have slowed down the code,
or made the output files very large. The bug did not affect
d3plot or d3thdt files.

(3) When LS-DYNA automatically creates beam elements duplicating
*ELEMENT_DISCRETE (for plotting purposes), these beams should
not be written to the dynain files.

were unnecessarily issuing an error termination if parts
containing beam elements with ELFORM=3 were referenced.

(5) *DEFINE_STAGED_CONSTRUCTION_PART automatically generates
gravity loading by creating *LOAD_GRAVITY_PART, but it should
not do this if the user sets ACCEL=0 on *CONTROL_STAGED_CONSTRUCTION.
This would have no effect on results (because the applied gravity
acceleration is zero) but computational effort was wasted.

(6) Fixed bug affecting large format dynain files
(as used in Staged Construction, or if FTYPE=10 on *INTERFACE_SPRINGBACK).
The *INITIAL_STRAIN_SHELL data was written
incorrectly under these conditions:
- "Large" dynain file format is used (as is the case in Staged Construction),
- MPP on multiple processors (the bug does not affect SMP),
- The model contains shell elements with a mix of numbers of in-plane
integration points, for example ELFORM=2 (1 in-plane point) and
ELFORM=16 (4 in-plane points).
If the dynain file was then used as input to a second analysis, LS-DYNA
could not read it. The work-around was to delete the *INITIAL_STRAIN_SHELL
data from the dynain file: this strain data is for post processing only and does
not affect other results.

Added option to evaluate *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION every Nth cycle by setting
position 6 on *CONTROL_SOLUTION to an integer value N. This setting applies to
all *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION keywords in the model.

Allow ADPOPT=7 of *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE to be used with *MAT_103.
This is 3D r-adaptive remeshing with tetrahedral solid elements type 13.

A bug that resulted in apparent deformation of rigid bodies in implicit
solutions involving adaptivity has now been fixed

The IACC flag of *CONTROL_ACCURACY is now echoed to d3hsp.

________________________ Discrete Element Method ___________________

Fixed *DEFINE_DE_MASSFLOW_PLANE output error if multiple planes are defined.

Fixed *DEFINE_DE_INJECTION bug if multiple injection planes are defined.

Fixed wear depth calculation error for DEM interface force file (MPP only).

Fixed bug in calculation of DEM-DEM capillary force (MPP only).

Fixed bug in calculation of *DEFINE_DE_TO_SURFACE_COUPLING capillary force.

Fixed DES injection bug such that DEM particles with different radii can be injected.

________________________ *ELEMENT ___________________

Fixed bug that could occasionally cause
LS-DYNA to crash during the input stage when automatically-sorted
solid elements are present (wedge or tetrahedron elements with

Fixed bug affecting *PART_COMPOSITE. If the first
part in the model had very low density, or was a part for Discrete Elements
that have no density, large rotational inertias could be added to the nodes
of the *PART_COMPOSITE. The inertia could artificially resist
the correct rotational motion of the elements. In this context,
"first part in the model"
means the first part encountered by the keyword reader, not the part with
the lowest PID. For this reason the bug might be observed or not according
to the order in which Include files were defined. For the effect of the bug
to be noticeable, the "very low density" would have to be at least one or two
orders of magnitude less than the density of the *PART_COMPOSITE itself.

Enhance SPC constraint handling for explicit using superelements to properly
handle the impicit/explicit switching case. Also modify explicit handling of superelements
to recognize *BOUNDARY_SPC definitions instead of just those on the *NODE cards.

Fix storage allocation for *ELEMENT_DIRECT_MATRIX_INPUT when the matrices
have different orders.

Correct error message of KEY+109 which mis-printed the section number and material
number for a 2D seatbelt.

Corrected the thinning of shell formulation 24. It was thinning about 33% too
much under large tensile strain.

Enabled adaptive tet meshing (ADPOPT=7 on *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE) to work with any
reasonable solid formulation at the start of the calculation. Previously, the
part could only be tet meshed with form 13 elements, or else EFG solid
formulations 41 or 42, or the job would crash at the first remap step.

Fixed a segmentation fault that occurred in models with beam elements when some
elements in a part use *ELEMENT_BEAM_ORIENTATION, and some do not. The error
affected beam formulations are 1, 2, 11, 12 and 14.

Improved the accuracy of tet formulation 13. During rigid body translation,
some pressure could develop. Now it can translate pressure-free, and therefore

Fixed parallel consistency for beam formulation 14, the elbow beam.

Fixed dynain writing and reading of *INITIAL_STRESS_SHELL for the fully integrated
C0 shell (shell form 20).

Fixed adaptivity (and restart) for tet formulation 13 by porting nodal
averaged data between adaptive steps.
The bug caused spurious peaks in cross section forces, which could
be confused with contact pressure peaks.

Enable solid element type 23 (20-node hexa) to be used with *MAT_ADD_EROSION.

Fix 2D axisymmetric adaptivity failure.

Fix bug in adaptivity triggered by presence of *ELEMENT_DISCRETE.

Fix calculation of eroded hourglass energy in MPP.

________________________ Forming Analysis __________

Fix for possible divide by zero in case THICK=0.0.

Fix bug preventing d3plot data from being output between TBEG and TEND
if LCID and Y1~Y4 are undefined.

Fix bug in MPP in which nonnzero stresses were written to *INITIAL_STRESS_SOLID
in dynain for rigid solids.

Bug fix that prevented trimming of solids in MPP.


Bug fix related to the stack size, which caused a segmentation fault to occur.

________________________ *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN ___________________

Fix a bug in writing frf output for rotational dof. This corrects the FRF results
when loading is defined as base angular velocity, base angular acceleration or
base angular displacement, and absolute response (RELATV=0) is requested.

Fixed a bug when the loading and response are both defined in z-direction in
frequency response function (FRF) computation.

Frequency domain (BEM Acoustics)
Fixed a bug in reading *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_BEM keywords in MPP.

________________________ ICFD (Incompressible Fluid Solver) ______________

Fixed the FSI computation with moving walls which was broken in R10.0.

Fixed the recognition of inflows in level set that allows for volumes to be empty
when inflows of free-surface are present.

Fix the viscosity as a function of temperature when using Non-Newtonian fluids
with NNID=6,7,8 in Free-Surface problems.

Fixed the assignment of PID for the boundary layer nodes that are inside the volume.

Fixed conjugate heat transfer solver with adaptivity.

Added support of separate part id drag to steady state solver.

Add non inertial reference frame feature to steady state solver.

Fixed heatflux computation.

________________________ Implicit (Mechanical) Solver _______

Redo implicit's treatment of nodal rotational inertias to match other
changes in LS-DYNA.

Backport the Implicit Linear Multistep feature (NSOLVR=-1) from Dev to R10.
Correct Implicit Linear Multi-step to get onlinear elements to work correctly.

Include pertinent damping-related data in dynain for *INTERFACE_SPRINGBACK in
implicit static analysis. Such data is needed if dynain is subsequently used
in a dynamic analysis.

Update Implicit's collection of damping terms for discrete elements
to account for user specified coordinate system and the case of no
second node.

Correct typing of disp array in implicit modal dynamics. It was not
typed so it was real*4 instead of real*8 in single precision. This
led to incorrect output to nodout file.

Make correction to get proper output to the binary format of superlement

The separable component report in implicit was extended to include
rigid bodies. Also reverted to format that produces a prettier table
instead of having the spaces squeezed out by lsmsg.

Logic to handle *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION with large number of independent nodes
was extended for *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_MODES.

Fix bug in implicit treatment of *INITIAL_STRESS_SECTION. The prestress might have been
zeroed out if the implicit solver required a cut-back of the time step.

In MPP, the last file of the d3eigv family of files was missing an end-of-file
marker but is now correctly marked.

Fix bug in writing of d3eigv data for model with

________________________ *INITIAL ___________________

Enabled multiple *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION keywords to be used with
generation keyword was supported previously.
Fixed a similar problem for *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION when using it with

Fix for *INITIAL_AXIAL_FORCE_BEAM with KBEND=1. Wrong internal index
could have led to unintended memory overwrite, thus arbitrary problems.

Format of *INITIAL_CONTACT_WEAR, when written to dynain, was broken in early
versions of R10, but is now fixed.

*INITIAL_STRAIN_SHELL data written to dynain for rigid shell(s) is now just ignored rather
than triggering a fatal error.

________________________ *LOAD ___________________

Fixed *LOAD_THERMAL_VARIABLE when used with shell formulation 2 that has default
warping stiffness (BWC=2 on *CONTROL_SHELL) and the objective stress updated
turned on (OSU=1 on *CONTROL_ACCURACY).

Fix bug in LOAD_HEAT_GENERATION in MPP. Some of the parameters had been ignored.


Fix broken follower force option of *LOAD_NODE in MPP.

Fix MPP bug for *LOAD_NODE_POINT follower force with M3<=0.

________________________ *MAT and *EOS ______________

Fixed bug that could potentially affect *MAT_021, *MAT_076, *MAT_172, *MAT_215,
*MAT_219, *MAT_249, *MAT_277, *MAT_278, *MAT_293.
Where two *MAT cards are almost identical, LS-DYNA
could sometimes ignore the differences and treat the elements as if they all
were made of one of the two *MAT cards. Whether the bug occurred or not depended on
which input fields were different. For example with *MAT_172, the bug occurred
if the only differences were on Cards 7, 8 or 9.

*MAT_208/*MAT_BOLT_BEAM: Add erosion and failure due to axial compression.

Fix bug in *MAT_172 that could cause a crash on certain operating systems
if the input data is pure reinforcement in the y-direction
(FRACRX=0 and FRACRY=1), and concrete compressive strength FC=0. Because
the fraction of concrete is zero, it should not matter that FC=0.
A work-around is to define non-zero FC, which will have no effect on results.

*MAT_172: Thick shells (*ELEMENT_TSHELL) were not working with MAT_172
reinforcement. Even if the input field FRACRX or FRACRY > 0, it behaved
as if no reinforcement was present. Now fixed.

Fixed bug that could cause a crash when *MAT_173
was used with ALE Multi-Material.

*MAT_169/*MAT_ARUP_ADHESIVE was causing
LS-DYNA to crash when elements were deleted due to reaching the failure
criteria, and the bond thickness card was defined in the input file.
This bug affected R10.0 but not R9.

Fix *MAT_ADD_THERMAL_EXPANSION which did not work for hyperelastic materials
in 2D analysis for fully-integrated 2D elements, e.g., shell type 15 with NIP=4.

Fix immediate deletion of elements at time 0 when using *MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY
with FAIL>0.0 and IACC=1 in *CONTROL_ACCURACY.

Added *MAT_221 options NERODE=10 and NERODE=11 to thick shell formulations 3, 5, and 7.
They are available in bricks too.

Fixed laminated shell theory with shell *MAT_172.

Fixed *MAT_024 plastic strain failure for beam element forms 4 and 5.
The elements were not failing.

Fixed thermal strains in *MAT_021 when used by thick shells. The material
directions were not processed correctly causing incorrect thermal strains.

Fixed thick shell form 3 when used with hyperelastic materials. The L matrix
was in the global coordinate system instead of the local system, resulting in
an incorrect strain field.

Fixed shell formulation 18 when used with *MAT_058.
A divide by zero occurred.

Fixed ESORT>0 when used with shell formulation 18 and *MAT_077. The triangular
element is now switched to form 17 because the other fully integrated triangular
formulation is incompatible.

Fixed shell form 17 when used with *MAT_077. There was no call
to the stress update routine.

Fixed the *EOS_GASKET model when used with thick shell form 2. It was giving
the wrong stress.

Fixed the compressive failure strain (CFS) for *EOS_GASKET with bricks or thick
shell formulations 5 and 7. It was setting CFS=TFS.

Fixed an error in brick spot weld assemblies when used with strain rate sensitive
failure functions. For assemblies, the strain rate is a volume weighted average
strain rate of the elements in the assembly. However, the volume was likely wrong
resulting in a strain rate that is likely too small. This error affected failure
options OPT=1 and 7 on *MAT_100, and also weld failure for *MAT_100_DA.

For *MAT_261/*MAT_262, set default strengths to large values if
they are not defined.

Enable GISSMO (*MAT_ADD_EROSION) to be used with beam element type 1.

Fix for GISSMO with non-zero values for SHRF and/or BIAXF.
Rarely occuring problems with element failure were possible.

Fix for *MAT_034 (FABRIC) with FORM = 14, 24, or -14.
Number of history variables could have been too low for the case
that tables are used for parameters LCA, LCB, LCAA, or LCBB.
And that could have led to noisy stress response.

Add plane stress option for *MAT_024 and shell elements.
This "_2D" option invokes actual plane stress treatment, i.e, transverse
shear stresses are not part of the yield condition but updated elastically.

Fix for rarely occurring negative plastic strain increments/rates in *MAT_224.

Add optional interpretation of EPSTHIN in *MAT_123.
The sign of the input value governs the type of strain that is used:
- EPSTHIN>0: thinning total strain (as in ISTUPD=1)
- EPSTHIN<0: thinning plastic strain (as in ISTUPD=4)

Fix rarely occurring NaN issue with LOG_INTERPOLATION option
of *MAT_024, *MAT_083, and *MAT_181.

Correct contact stiffness for *MAT_030.

Add option for *MAT_280: New parameter FTSCL on Card 2, field 8,
is an optional scale factor for the tensile strength: FT_mod = FTSCL * FT.
As soon as first crack happens in a part, tensile strength drops to its
original value, FT.

Activate *MAT_280 for thick shell formulations 1 and 2.

Reduce the default number of history variables of *MAT_036
from 29 (as in R10.0) to 8 (as in versions before).

Add mid-plane failure option for GISSMO (MIDFAIL on *MAT_ADD_EROSION card 4).

*DEFINE_MATERIAL_HISTORIES was broken in early versions of R10 MPP, but is now fixed.

*DEFINE_FABRIC_ASSEMBLIES was broken in early versions of R10 MPP, but is now fixed.

Fix problem in which encrypted *MAT_075 input is echoed in d3hsp.

If an encrypted material is using load curve(s), the name of the
material model is not echoed in d3hsp.

*MAT_293/*MAT_COMPRF is now available.
This material models the behavior of pre-impregnated
(prepreg) composite fibers during the high temperature preforming process. In
addition to providing stress and strain, it also provides warp and weft yarn directions
and stretch ratios after the forming process. The major applications of the model are for
materials used in light weight automobile parts.

Fix 'floating overflow' error when TDEL=10.0E+20 (default) for

Fixed shell *MAT_091 when used with shell form 16. Also, *MAT_091 and 92 now
support the CMPFLG=1 on *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY. The material directions were
being calculated incorrectly causing the stress to be wrong. The scheme for
calculating the material direction has been swapped out for one that is used
with other orthotropic materials. This causes a very slight change in results
with shell forms other than 16.

________________________ MPP ___________________

Store keyword partset info in the dyna.lsda file
for later use in MPP decomposition, so partsets
can be used in the pfile even if keyword->structured
conversion is used before decomposition.

Update shell and solid decomposition cost parameters for the
decomposition option "decomp { newcost }".

Decrease the memory footprint of MPP during keyword
processing and decomposition.

Implement the checking for rigid body node replication already in SMP for MPP.
Also added proper error termination for analyzing the constraint matrix
in MPP.

Nodes defined in the following three keywords share the same database in LS-DYNA:
When *CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_BAGREF is used, dummy with (3) is also treated in
the special decomposition algorithm which gives very poor MPP performance.
A fix was made to do the special decomposition to those shells with (1) or (2).

Allow use of parameters (defined via *PARAMETER) in *CONTROL_MPP_PFILE.

Fix a couple of issues in the MPP show decomposition option.

________________________ Output ___________________

Fix bug in output of first state to the d3part database
when running double precision with the environment variable
LSTC_BINARY set to 32ieee.

Fix for improper MPP input processing of set ID in nodfor file in some
cases, which could have resulted in strange LEGEND sections in
the nodfor output file.

Fix the marking of the end of the d3mode and d3eigv files when writing modal stresses.

Enabled cross section force output (secforc) for higher order shell forms 23 and 24.

Fixed stress output for shell forms 13, 14 and 15 when NIP=4 on
*SECTION_SHELL and MAXINT<0 on *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY. The stress output was incorrect.

Fixed an error in the output of fully integrated triangles with 7 or 9 through-thickness
integration points. The data at the first integration point and strain at the last
point were wrong. This error had no effect on the solution.

Implement optional output of node sets and element sets used in
This allows for convenient display of those sets in LS-PrePost.

Fix bug in writing *SECTION_*_TITLE to d3prop file.

Fix missing frictional energy in glstat's sliding interface energy
and total energy.

________________________ Restarts ___________________

Properly start up Explicit LaGrange Multiplier treatment of joints for restart.

________________________ SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) ______________

*ELEMENT_SPH_VOLUME allows user to input SPH particle volume instead of particle mass.
This has the same effect as using plain *ELEMENT_SPH with MASS set to a negative value.

Fixed bug in reading of input for *DEFINE_SPH_TO_SPH_COUPLING_TITLE with
optional second card.

Fixed incorrect output to binary (binout) rcforc in the case of *CONTACT_2D_NODE_TO_SOLID.
Similarly, fixed incorrect output to ASCII rcforc (SMP only) in the case of multiple
definitions of *CONTACT_2D_NODE_TO_SOLID.

Fix seg fault when using *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_NODES_TO_SURFACE for SPH elements
impacting on shell plate.

________________________ Thermal Solver ____________

*DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION should now be working for thermal-solver-related
commands that use a curve.

________________________ Miscellaneous ___________________

Fix incorrect handling of symmetric load curves when
checking curve rediscretization errors, which resulted in
bogus and misleading error messages.

Fix bug in *INTERFACE_LINKING that would
only be hit if the user was using time-dependent functions
for the y or z displacment scale factors.

Correct line count for error message IMP+31.

Fix a bug for PID controller function PIDCTL of *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION.
The bug occurred when using "0" as the sampling rate.

LS-DYNA now creates $JOBNAME.group_file, which can be loaded into LS-PrePost using
Model>Groups so that groups of parts corresponding to each *SET_PART can be
easily displayed.

Fix *DAMPING_RELATIVE when used with *DAMPING_PART_MASS on parts with shared nodes.

Fix long format errors for long=s option if the following keywords are
used in the input deck:
if multiple include files are used.

Fix bug for *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM if material ID is input in
alpha (non-numeric) format.

Fix bug in *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM if section offset is specified.

Fix bugs in *INTERFACE_SSI in reading of the keyword card and of intermediate files.

Fix option to dump all nodes into dynain; see NDFLAG in *INTERFACE_SPRINGBACK.

====================== END of Release Notes for R10.1.0 =============================

