8月 « 2017 « ACS NEWS

2017 年 8 月 のアーカイブ

LSDYNA R9.2 Win64 MPP版アップ、R10.0との違い

2017 年 8 月 30 日 水曜日

昨日、やっとWin64 MPP版モジュールが公開されたのでHPにアップしました。

ls-dyna_mpp_d_r920_winx64_ifort131_pmpi.zip  (倍精度)
ls-dyna_mpp_s_r920_winx64_ifort131_pmpi.zip (単精度)



LSDYNA R9.2.0(R9.1.0修正版)リリース

2017 年 8 月 23 日 水曜日

先日R10.0が出て、Windows用Complete Install版を待っていたら、何故か R9.2.0が

★Windows MPP版は未だ出ていません。



lsprepost4.3 – Win版 4.3.14,  Linux版 (Centos6&7, Suse10.3, ubunts12 )

Manual/R1000 – R10.0正式版マニュアル

This file constitutes revision 0 of the release notes for LS-DYNA version R9.2.0.


The string “REVISION 9” must appear in the LS-DYNA license file in order to run
version R9.2.0. Please contact your LS-DYNA distributor (keys@lstc.com if
you’re a direct customer of LSTC) if you need to have your license updated.




Documentation of R9.2.0 is provided in the R9.0 User’s Manual.
There are few instances mentioned below in which the R10.0 User’s Manual
should be consulted.
Both Manuals are available at www.lstc.com/download/manuals .




The remainder of this file describes what’s been added or fixed in version 9.2.0
since the release of version 9.1.0. The changes are primarily just bug fixes.

The items are arranged by category. Understand that in many cases,
a particular item could fall under more than one category, but in the
interest of brevity, each item is listed only once, under a single category.

Excluding the “Miscellaneous” category, the categories are arranged alphabetically.

The categories are:

CESE (Compressible Fluid Solver)
Discrete Element Method
Forming Analysis
ICFD (Incompressible Fluid Solver)
Implicit (Mechanical) Solver
*MAT and *EOS
SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics)
Thermal Solver



________________________ *AIRBAG ___________________

Enhance the robustness of *AIRBAG_INTERACTION to address instability, especially
in MPP, when excessive mass exchange is yielded due to numerical noise.

– CPM now supports leakage parameter from *MAT_ADD_AIRBAG_POROSITY_LEAKAGE.
– Change dm_out calculation to better treat trunction error.
– Fix bug affecting *AIRBAG_CPM_INTERACTION if the slave bag has chamber definition.
The downstream pressure should use the slave chamber pressure for evaluating the
venting from the master bag.


________________________ ALE ___________________

Fix bug in Structured ALE solver. The bug produced erroneous internal energy increase.


________________________ *BOUNDARY ___________________

Fix problem of incorrect motion of rigid part when prescribing multiple translations with
*BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID while rotational DOF are constrained on Card 2 of *MAT_RIGID.


________________________ CESE (Compressible Fluid Solver) ________________

Corrected an internal problem with BLAST=2 in *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED blast waves
used as a CESE boundary condition. This was likely an issue only if more
than one blast was simultaneously in use.

Added an error message to clarify that the CESE solver has only BLAST=2 type
blasts available as boundary conditions in *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED.

Added real 2D CESE output to d3plot, and this is confirmed to work with LS-PrePost 4.3
and later versions. This also works for d3plot output with the 2D CESE
axisymmetric solver.

For all immersed-boundary CESE solvers, corrected the plotting of the
Schlieren number and the chemical species mass fractions.

Brought in enthalpy-related corrections to the CESE chemistry solvers.

Enabled output of the timing information for the CESE chemistry solvers.

Fixed an issue with opening some LSDA-based chemistry results files.



________________________ CONTACT ___________________

Fix bugs affecting contact in high order shell formulations when:
– using a large part id like 100000001.

ncpu<0. Applies to SMP only.

Fix zero contact stiffness if *EOS_TABULATED is using LCC
instead of tabulated input cards.

It was previously hardcoded to 1.01.

Fixed SMP segment based contact with CNTCO.ne.0 on *CONTROL_SHELL. Nodal coordinates
were being changed. This problem existed in R9.1.0 but not in prior releases.

Fixed a potential segmentation fault in MPP *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC when a process
has no segments.

Fixed a flaw in the support of SSF on *PART_CONTACT when using segment based (SOFT=2)
contact with DEPTH=5. The consequence was to sometimes choose the wrong part when
looking up the scale factor so the stiffness was not predictable.

Fixed MPP’s implementation of the variable SSF in *PART_CONTACT when used with
SOFT=2 contact. It was possible that segments passed from one processor to
another for contact checking would have a zero stiffness and would therefore penetrate.

Added a warning message (STR+1392) for those trying to use the ORTHO_FRICTION
contact option with SOFT=2 contact, because that option is not available.
The contact type is switched to SOFT=1.

Fixed an error in MPP *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE when used with
node sets to define the contact surfaces. The master side was likely to trigger
an erroneous error about missing nodes, which terminated the job.

Add minor change for *USER_INTERFACE_FRICTION:
yield stress data of *MAT_TABULATED_JOHNSON_COOK/*MAT_224 provided as input in
subroutine usrfrc.

Fix for *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_…_TIEBREAK with OPTIONs 10 and 11 (only MPP).
Compressive contact forces were erroneously “damaged” as well.

The MPP version of *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_BEAMS_TO_SURFACE_ID now supports the
contact of the beam nodes from both sides of the contact surfaces.


________________________ *CONSTRAINED ___________________


now support the SPOTDEL option of *CONTROL_CONTACT. That means if shell
elements involved in the SPR domain fail, the SPR gets deactivated.


________________________ *CONTROL ___________________

Make *TERMINATION_DELETED_SOLID work with hex spot weld failures.

Beam type 9 (spotweld beam) and thick shells are supported for selective mass scaling.


________________________ Discrete Element Method ___________________

Fix bug affecting *DEFINE_DE_TO_SURFACE_COUPLING capillary force calculation.


________________________ *ELEMENT ___________________

Clarify sometimes incorrect message about spotweld failure.

Speed up keyword processing for models that use lots of

Fix a bug affecting time-dependent slipring friction in 2d seatbelts.

Fix erroneous 1d seatbelt slipring message that has been there since R8.0.

Support *element_mass_matrix_node_(set) in MPP.

Fix memory error when using *NODE_THICKNESS_SET and also fix node set not found

Fixed the fully integrated membrane element (shell ELFORM=9) when used with NFAIL4=1
on *CONTROL_SHELL and there are triangular elements in the mesh.
Triangular elements were being deleted immediately by the distorted element check.

Modify tolerances on error messages SOL+865 and SOL+866 to prevent unnecessary
error terminations. This does not affect results, but allows models to run.
SOL+865 is an error that occurs if a discrete element has zero translational mass.
SOL+866 is an error message that occurs when a discrete element has zero rotational mass.

Enable *PART_STACKED_ELEMENTS to be used with adaptivity (ADPOPT).

Increase accuracy of cohesive elements type 19/21 by using
double precision for local coordinates and other internal variables.

Add alternative mass calculation for critical time step estimate of cohesive elements.
This hopefully resolves rarely occuring instability issues.
Option ICOH on *CONTROL_SOLID is used for that; see R10 manual for details.

Fix for solid element form 15 (pentahedron) when used together with *MAT_ADD_EROSION.
Inconsistent results were possible since version R9.0.

Make a few fixes and enhancements for pressure averaged tetrahedron element
(*SECTION_SOLID, ELFORM=13), e.g., correctly handle initial volumes
from *INITIAL_STRESS_SOLID, use double precision for some internal variables.


________________________ Forming Analysis __________

Bug fix for duplicate nodes generated for blank edge to gage pin contact.

Fix in the trimming of sandwich parts – irregular trimmed edge.

adapt.msh file format fix:
Remove an extra blank line output in *ELEMENT_SHELL_THICKNESS.

Bug fix in *CONTACT_AUTO_MOVE: part did not move as expected.

Fix excessive INTFOR file output.


________________________ *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN ___________________

Frequency domain (BEM acoustics):
Fix for running acoustic analysis with multiple b.c. in MPP.

Frequency domain (SSD fatigue):
– Fixed bug in running SSD fatigue in MPP.
– Fixed a bug in running interpolation on load curve when there is only one
frequency in the load curve.
– Fixed a bug in running FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD with hex20.
case from Hitachi. same as r114711 in trunk version.

Frequency domain (response spectrum):
– Added missing arguments.
– Fixed a bug in extracting modal stress for response spectrum analysis.
– Added von mises stress output for beams.

Frequency domain (FEM Acoustics)
– Fixed a bug in running FEM acoustics with existing exterior structures.
– Minor fix for writing eigout_ac, with case id.

Frequency domain (FRF):
– one more fix for reading FRF keyword.
– Minor fix for reading FRF keywords.

Fix for running frequency domain analysis with higher order elements.

Frequency domain (FRF, SSD, Random vibration):
Fixed a bug in accessing eigenmode databases, when *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_PATH is defined.


________________________ ICFD (Incompressible Fluid Solver) ______________

Fixed bug that occurred when using birth time for FSI.

Fixed the stabilization of the thermal problem to avoid some possible MPP issues.

Skip structural decomposition in MPP if there are no (structural) nodes.


________________________ Implicit (Mechanical) Solver _______

Fix the marking of the end of the d3mode file when writing stresses.
Fix a problem marking the end of the d3eigv file when modal stresses are written.

Adjust implicit logic for secforc output for arclength method.

Improve treatment of termination of MPP eigensolver when no eigenmodes are found.

Implicit was enforcing birth and death times on *BOUNDARY_SPC during dynamic
relaxation contrary to the manual. Such times are now ignored with dynamic

Correct output of eigenvalues and frequencies for the unsymmetric eigenvalue
problem to match that of rotational dynamics.

Enhance logic that determines when to write out the last state to d3plot for

Fix *PART_MODES in MPP so the part in *PART_MODES is NOT split across
processes. A future enhancement is to allowed a part in *PART_MODES to be
split across processes.

When implicit springback followed an explicit transient step, the
implicit keywords with the _SPR option were not properly handled. Now such
keywords are properly handled.

Correct initialization of MPP tied contact for implicit mechanics when
implicit follows explicit dynamic relaxation.

Correct linear implicit analysis to allow for inertia relief computations.

Fix a problem when using 4- or 6-noded solids, or 3-noded shells in rotational dynamics analysis.


________________________ *INITIAL ___________________

Add variable ‘IZSHEAR’ in *INITIAL_STRESS_SECTION to initialize shear stress.

Fix incorrect initial velocity when ICID.ne.0 in *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION,
and rotational velocity OMEGA is not zero and *PART_INERTIA is also present.


________________________ *LOAD ___________________

Fix *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM offset for coordinate systems in *LOAD_NODE_POINT
which were using the wrong offset

Fixed *LOAD_THERMAL_VARIABLE when used with shell element form 2 that has default
warping stiffness (BWC=2 on *CONTROL_SHELL), and when OSU=1 on *CONTROL_ACCURACY
to activate an objective stress update. Prior to the fix, there was no thermal
loading available for this combination of options.

Box option in *LOAD_SUPERPLASTIC_FORMING now works in MPP.


________________________ *MAT and *EOS ______________

Fix immediate deletion of elements at time 0 when using *MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY
with FAIL>0.0 and IACC=1 in *CONTROL_ACCURACY.

Fix spurious element deletion when using table for LCF in

Fixed two problems in *MAT_FABRIC forms 0 and 1, both occurring when there are
mixed quad and triangular elements in the fabric part:
– when a reference geomeotry is used, a flaw in the strain calculation was leading to
possible NaN forces in the elements, and
– when a reference geometry is not used, the forces from triangular elements in
mixed element blocks were 2 times too high.

Correct shear failure behavior in *MAT_LAMINATED_FRACTURE_DAIMLER_CAMANHO/*MAT_262.
This will most probably have no effect to any real application, but could be seen
in very special 1-element tests.

Bugfix for shear stiffness behavior in *MAT_058 when using a table definition
for GAB and only providing stress-strain-curves for positive shear.

Bugfix for strain-rate dependent stiffness behavior in *MAT_058 when using a
table definition for EA, EB or GAB under compressive loading.

Add option for *MAT_GLASS/*MAT_280:
New parameter FTSCL on Card 2, field 8, is an optional scale factor
for the tensile strength: FT_mod = FTSCL * FT. As soon as first crack
happens in a part, tensile strength drops to its original value, FT.

Activate *MAT_GLASS/*MAT_280 for tshell formulations 1 and 2.


Bug fix for *MAT_142:
Tensile behavior under 45 degree to the material direction was incorrect.

for use in R9.2.0; see R10 manual for details of this material.

Add some more history variables for *MAT_TOUGHENED_ADHESIVE_POLYMER/*MAT_252
e.g. current yield stress (5) and triaxiality (7); see R10 manual for details.
This affects only the output.

Fix for history variable organization in *MAT_036 used with shell forms 25-27.

Fix *MAT_PHS_BMW/*MAT_248 for implicit analysis: convergence speed could have
been low since version R9.0.

Add mid-plane failure option to GISSMO (*MAT_ADD_EROSION):
New parameter MIDFAIL=1 (Card 4, field 8) activates a procedure, where
critical strain is only checked at the mid-plane integration point(s),
i.e. an odd number for NIP should be used. The other integration points
compute their damage, but no coupling to the stresses is done.
As soon as the mid-plane IP reaches ECRIT/DCRIT, all the other IPs are now
also checked. Those of them that are already “above” their critical value
immediately start to reduce the stresses. Those who are still “below” critical
still do not couple, only if they reach their criterion.

Fix for rarely occuring divide by zero problem in GISSMO (*MAT_ADD_EROSION).
Could only happen sometimes if ECRIT=0 and DCRIT=1.

Add pre-defined tensors option PDDT and optional damage limitation curve/table LCDLIM
to *MAT_ADD_GENERALIZED_DAMAGE; see R10 manual for details.

Extended option IFLG1 of *MAT_ADD_GENERALIZED_DAMAGE (similar to DMGTYP in GISSMO):
IFLG1 = “flag 1” (0 or 1 or 2) + 10 * “history variable slot”.

Add optional failure criterion FFCAP to *MAT_100_DAMAGE-FAILURE:
Failure function limit for OPT = 0 or -1, and DMGOPT = 10, 11, or 12.
See R10 manual for details.

Fix for rarely occuring division by zero (NaN) in *MAT_024 shells (VP=1)
with logarithmic strain rate table.

Add warning message for *MAT_FABRIC with nonzero value for PRAB.
Results could have changed between R7 and R8.

Fix for *MAT_224 plastic behavior with shell elements.
Sometimes temperature dependent yield curves (LCKT) were not used correctly.

Reinstate _STOCHASTIC option for *MAT_123 (shell elements).

Fix for *MAT_CABLE_DISCRETE_BEAM/*MAT_071 with large values (>2**24) for LCID.

Fix for implicit analysis with *MAT_058 and shell elements.
Convergence speed could have been low in versions R9.0 and R9.1.

Fix for *MAT_ADD_COHESIVE with INTFAIL > 1. It was possible that elements
were not eroded even if enough integration points reached their failure criterion.

The extended Barlat model is implemented, where r00/r45/r90/shear/biaxial hardening
and r-values can be specified independently to render more accurate results. Also,
hardening flag 7 in the regular Barlat model (*MAT_036/*MAT_3-PARAMETER_BARLAT) is
restored to behave as it did in earlier versions.


________________________ MPP ___________________

Reduce memory footprint (as reported by the OS, not the program)
during MPP decomposition.

Multiple fixes related to memory allocations and array indexing errors.

Fixed an error that could cause an MPP job to hang in phase 3 decomposition.
The error could occur when SOFT=2 contact is used with the periodic intersection
check and process 0 does not participate in the contact.

Improve cost estimation in MPP decomposition for *MAT_030, *MAT_120, *MAT_123,

MPP version now reports the eroded hourglass energy in glstat.


________________________ Output ___________________

Fix missing plastic strain tensors in d3plot when STRFLG in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY

Fix for *DATABASE_FATXML to cope with new formats; see R10 manual for details.
FATXML is an open, standardized data format based on
the Extensible Markup Language (XML) which is developed by the German Research
Association of Automotive Technology (Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik – FAT).
It is designed for consistent data management in the overall CAE process chain.

Fix bug in writing *SECTION_*_TITLE to d3prop file.
The TITLE in *SECTION_*_TITLE was not written correctly to d3prop.

Add FILE option to define the interface force file name (*DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR_FILE).

Fix corrupt d3plot database triggered by DECOMP=4 in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY.


________________________ Restarts ___________________

Properly start up Explicit LaGrange Multiplier treatment of joints upon restart.

Fix memory bug during full deck restart when both
the input file.

Fix unallocated MPP SPH message buffers during full deck restart.

Allow change of DT2MS in *CONTROL_TIMESTEP for full deck restart — MPP only.

Previous value of memory2 is stored in the dump database so that memory2 in a
restart will not be set less that stored value, thereby avoiding a possible
segmentation fault.


________________________ *SENSOR ___________________



________________________ SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) ______________

Corrected SMP contact force output into rcforc ASCII file for the case with
multiple definitions of *CONTACT_2D_NODE_TO_SOLID keyword in the input file.


________________________ Thermal Solver ____________

Fix deadlock in some thermal adaptive problems.


________________________ Miscellaneous ___________________

Fix for input processing error termination due to
*SET_NODE_ADD that occurs in input before the sets it references.

*SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL to delete segments.

Improve warning/error messages related to duplicate nodes.
And make that check equivalent in single and double precision.

Fix error in reading long format in ALE, *SENSOR, etc.

*INTERFACE_SSI with blank optional card is now read in correctly.
gmbin file is read in correctly in MPP.

Pertaining to user-defined capabilities via *MODULE:
– A new command line option is added to load one module file without changing the
input deck, as “module=filename”. It provides back compatibility to the input
without the *MODULE keywords.
– The system paths defined in LD_LIBRARY_PATH are also included for searching module
files for those filenames starting with “+”.


====================== END of Release Notes for R9.2.0 =============================

ANSOL Transmission3D Rev327

2017 年 8 月 1 日 火曜日

7/24 Rev324からのバグフィックス版です。


Rev 327 – 2017-07-31 06:43:28 -0400 (Mon, 31 Jul 2017)
Log message: 2017/07/31
1) Increased the maximum number of contact patterns that can
    be shown in iGlass on a single tooth from 10 to 16.
2)Bug Fix: the format conversion of NASTRAN/ABAQUS carriers
    did not carry sufficient significant digits. Sometimes this
    caused an error message even if data was correct.
3) Bug fix. Fixed an error message about “Undefined variable: InnderDia1”