4月 « 2017 « ACS NEWS

2017 年 4 月 のアーカイブ

ポールマッカートニーライブ 2017/4/27@東京ドーム

2017 年 4 月 28 日 金曜日



場内超満員で開始を待つ、開演予定18:30 実際に始まったのは19:00 


アンコールも含めて、2時間40分の大熱演、感激!!!  また来るかな???


ANSOL Transmission3D Rev320 - Rev318、319のバグフィックス

2017 年 4 月 20 日 木曜日

Transmission3D Rev320がリリースされました。318、319に対してのバグフィックス版で、

Rev 320 – 2017-04-14 14:59:21 -0400 (Fri, 14 Apr 2017)
Log message:    2017/04/14
1) Bug fix: When generating a model with a very large imported
   mesh in Nastran or Abaqus format, the file converter
   was hanging indefinitely. This was a bug in Rev 318
   and 319 only. Previous versions were OK.
2) Bug fix: When a user double-clicks on the 3D surface shown
   for the involute tooth modifications, it would crash iSys.


ANSOL Transmission3D Rev319 - Rev318のバグフィックス

2017 年 4 月 15 日 土曜日

先週 Rev318をアナウンスしたばかりですが、
6) Added a “Save View” and a “Load View” button to iGlass

ev 319 – 2017-04-11 16:32:49 -0400 (Tue, 11 Apr 2017)
Log message:    2017/04/11
Bug fix release.
Two Bug fixes for bugs that were reported for Rev 318

1) When PAIRs are created inside the CARRIER menu, Rev 318 was crashing Calyx.
2) The new “Load View” feature in iGlass was not working correctly  on Japanese
  language Windows.


Steven Tyler ソロライブ@ 日本武道館

2017 年 4 月 12 日 水曜日

昨夜4/11 日本武道館でのエアロスミスの  ”スティーブン・タイラーソロコンサート” を観た。


アップで一枚、最高!! 自分の席はアリーナ中央、前から2ブロック目の最前列、超ラッキー 



ANSOL Transmission3D Rev318

2017 年 4 月 7 日 金曜日

米国時間 2017/04/06付で、Transmission3D Rev318がリリースされました。


Rev 318 – 2017-04-06 16:45:18 -0400 (Thu, 06 Apr 2017)
Log message:    2017/04/06
1) IMPORTANT: This update has changes to the
   system configuration file and substructuring
   method for imported meshes. When using old models,
   delete the calyxtmp folder before running this new
   If using imported Abaqus or Nastran meshes, you
   will also need to delete old post-processing
   data (postproc.dat) files and recreate by
   rerunning the analysis. Otherwise
   the program will hang.

2) Added a fillet lines to the pattern menu.

3) Now we can load abaqus files with multiple
   ‘*Part’ commands.

4) Double-clicking a vertex in iGlass outputs
   Global position and displacement vector to file

5) Added buttons for -X, -Y and -Z projections in iGlass

6) Added a “Save View” and a “Load View” button to iGlass

7) Added ADAPTIVEGRID option for rolling element bearings

8) Added a “Browse for Folder” button when loading
   post-processing results through Guide.

9) Added a summary of SETUP parameters to the log upon
   start of analysis.

10) Bug fix: When there are two straight bevels in a model, and
    one of the bevels has ORIENTATION=SAME and the the other
    bevel has ORIENTATION=OPPOSITE, then the synchronization
    operation was not working.

11) Fixed problem with the axial offset applied to an
    imported shaft segment that contains multiple files.

12) Fixed problem with the display of constrained nodes
    in an imported housing. that contains multiple files.

13) Fixed a bug in the straight bevel mesh generator.

14) Fixed a bug in the EXPORTFEMODEL menu. It was crashing
    calyx for one example.

15) Bug fix: The values displayed for NETA and NZETA in
    the EXPORTFEMODEL menu were not correct (The
    current value of NXI was displayed in their place.)

16) Bug fix: A planetary pinion with an asymmetric tooth
    was crashing Transmission3D.