3月 « 2017 « ACS NEWS

2017 年 3 月 のアーカイブ

ANSOL Helical, Hypoid アップデート

2017 年 3 月 31 日 金曜日


Helical3D – Rev145
install/helical3D/Helical3Dx64_Rev145.msi  – インストーラ
install/helical3D/Helical3D_Rev145.txt          – リリースノート

HypoidFaceHobbed – Rev146
install/hypoid/HypoidFaceHobbedx64_Rev146.msi – インストーラ
install/hypoid/HypoidFaceHobbed_Rev146.txt         – リリースノート

HypoidFaceMilled – Rev184
install/hypoid/HypoidFaceMilledx64_Rev184.msi – インストーラ
install/hypoid/HypoidFaceMilled_Rev184.txt         – リリースノート

HypoidK – Rev31
install/hypoid/HypoidKx64_Rev31.msi – インストーラ
install/hypoid/HypoidK_Rev31.txt         – リリースノート


2017 年 3 月 9 日 木曜日

MPT2017 – Kyoto the JSME International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions
会議には、ANSOL Transmissio3D開発者の Dr.Sandeepも来日し、論文発表を行いました。


2/27夕方 Dr.Sandeep来日。 2/28新幹線で京都へ移動




Dr.Sandeep 発表タイトル


3/2夜 リーガロイヤルホテル京都に移動しての懇親会

懇親会風景 – 1

懇親会風景 – 2

私、Sandeep、ANSOL製品韓国代理店 STech&H社 Dr.Kwon

懇親会のゲストは京都らしく、Maiko ‘s traditional dances.

3/3 会議は午前中で終わり。Sandeepさんは初めての京都なので、有名所へ観光案内しました。



最後の晩餐。日本料理が続いていたので、焼肉。 サンディープさんはベジタリアンではありません。




2017 年 3 月 8 日 水曜日

今年1月ころから、Linux, MPP, Windows版と順にアップされており、2月初めにはリリース
代わりに、Linux SMP版が今週のなって修正されました。

マニュアルは最新版が manual/R910/の下に最新DRAFT版があります。
注)高次ソリッド要素のキーワードが、 バージョンにより
  とバラバラだったのが、_H20 &  _H27 に統一されました。

This file is revision 0 of the release notes for LS-DYNA version R9.1.0.

Herein are summarized enhancements and bug fixes made since the
release of version R9.0.1.

The items are arranged by category.  Understand that in many cases,
a particular item may have applicability to multiple categories, but in the
interest of brevity, each item is listed only once, under a single category.
Some of the categories don’t have any pertinent entries for this release.

Excluding the “Miscellaneous” category, the categories are arranged alphabetically.
The categories are:

Compressible Flow Solver CESE
Discrete Element Method
Electromagnetic Solver EM
Incompressible Flow Solver ICFD
Isogeometric Elements


________________________ *AIRBAG ___________________                          

– Support porosity leakage output while under uniform pressure UP (control volume) mode.
– Chamber output includes includes:
   – chamber pressure (in abstat_cpm),
   – vent area under UP,
   – total part area of internal part.
– Add an new variable PSID1 in *AIRBAG_PARTICLE for dealing with normals of
  two connected bags.

________________________ ALE ___________________                              

Fix bug affecting ALE with dynamic relaxation. Turn off ale element force calculation
during dynamic relaxation.

________________________ *BOUNDARY ___________________                        

________________________ Blast ___________________                            

________________________ CESE (Compressible Flow Solver)  __________________  

________________________ *CHEMISTRY ___________________                       

________________________ *CONTACT ___________________                         

Fix for contact thickness for rigid shells in
MPP eroding contact.

Improve MPP contact for problems with very small coordinates
due to poor choice of units.

Improve round off level behavior
in MPP *_TO_SURFACE contacts due to division by zero
prevention code.

Fix input error when using many *RIGIDWALL_GEOMETRIC_… with _DISPLAY option.

Fix input error when *CONTACT_ENTITY is attached to a beam part.

Fix insufficient tying of nodes when doing full deck restart and the contact
is newly added to the restart involving newly added parts. This apples to

Fix error termination due to negative volume, SOL+509, even when
*CONTACT_ERODING… is set. This affects MPP only.

Fix incorrect tiebreak behavior involving solid parts when
  1.  ISTUPD>0.0 in *CONTROL_SHELL, and
  2.  SST & MST are not zero and SFST & SFMT are zero on Card 3 of *CONTACT_…_TIEBREAK.
Affects SMP only.

Switched segment based (SOFT=2) non-eroding contact to prevent it from adding any
new segments when brick element faces are exposed when other elements are deleted.
There were two problems.  The first is that the interface force file could not
support NFAIL=1 on *DATABASE_EXTENT_INTFOR because the intfor file does not expect
new segments to replace the old, so it just undeletes the old segments instead of
adding the new.  The second problem is that when non-eroding contact is used, we
only have enough memory in fixed length arrays for the segments that exist at
t=0.  When segments are deleted, the code was using the space that they vacated to create
new segments, but it was very likely that some segments could not be created when
the number of open spaces was less than the number of new segments that are needed.
In this case, some segments would not be created and there would be surfaces that
could be penetrated with no resistance.  This behavior is impossible to predict, so
it seems better to prevent any new segments from being created unless eroding
contact is used.

Fixed rcforc output for *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC in MPP.  The forces across
processors were missed.

Fixed a bug in MPP *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC…, in which a flaw in the code used during
MPP initialization could cause segments to fail to detect penetration.

Fixed SMP eroding segment based (SOFT=2) contact which was not activating the negative
volume checking of brick elements.  The MPP contact and the other SMP contacts were
doing this but not SMP SOFT=2.

Fixed support for CNTCO on *CONTROL_SHELL by segment based (SOFT=2) contact.  It
was adjusting the contact surface only half of what it should have done.  Also,
fixed a memory error when the CNTCO>0 option was used with SOFT=2 eroding contact.

Improve history variables for *USER_INTERFACE_FRICTION (MPP).
User subroutine usrfrc now contains new history variable array “uhnew”,
where its values are stored even if contact gets temporarily lost
and they can be postprocessed via new parameter NUHSV on

– In automatic single surface mortar contact, the sliding energy incorrectly showed nonzero
    on master side in LS-PrePost, this is now fixed to yield only nonzero on the slave side.
– In forming contact, the master side was incorrectly reoriented in some cases;
    this is now fixed.
– For triangular segment, the integration of shape functions over overlapped
    areas are improved in terms of accuracy.
– Fix critical bug for explicit, tried to access the IGAP information when this
    was only available for implicit, resulted in stochastic behavior of the models.
– Adaptivity constraints were in some cases incorrectly treated in mortar contacts;
    this is now fixed.

Improved penetration checking of beam-to-beam contact in *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_GENERAL.
Improvements include consideration of contact option CPARM8.

Fixed instability of *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_BEAMS_TO_SURFACE in MPP that occurred
after erosion of beams.

Fixed problem with *DEFINE_FRICTION in combination with *CONTACT_GROUPABLE.

Fixed areas of triangular segments in the NCFORC file.

________________________ *CONSTRAINED ___________________                     

– Fix major bug in redistribution of force and momentum from master to slave.
– Fix major bug in calculating shape function of tetra.
– Fix major bug when ncoup!=0 (additional coupling points in between beam nodes);
    slave -> master momentum/force distribution wrong.
– Now works with r-adaptivity so the solid mesh can endure large deformation/distortion.

Fixed *CONSTRAINED TIED_NODES_FAILURE when used with MPP single surface
segment based contact.  Non-physical contact bewtween segments that share
tied constraints was being penalized leading to failure of the constraints.

Fixed bug in reading *CONSTRAINED_JOINT data using long format.

________________________ *CONTROL ___________________                         

Fix error termination with single precision MPP (cpu dependent) when PSFAIL.ne.0 in
*CONTROL_SOLID and using solid formulation 10, 13, or 44.

– Fix tied contact with beam offsets when used in subcycling.
– Fix mass scaling problem, too little mass was added to some nodes in the
    interface between subcycling domains.

________________________ Discrete Element Method ___________________          

Fix *DEFINE_DE_MASSFLOW_PLANE bug if DE injection is defined.

________________________ EFG (Element Free Galerkin) _____________            

________________________ *ELEMENT ___________________                         

Switched *ELEMENT_SOLID option for 20-node solid from _20 to _H20 for clarity.

Include original volume output to dynain file for 2D analysis when materials
with equation-of-state are used. This is needed to compute the volumetric
strain upon restart with dynain file.

Fix use of incorrect load curve if large value is used for FC<0 and/or FCS<0 in

Fix incorrect discrete spring (*ELEMENT_DISCRETE) behavior when used with adaptivity.

Enabled thick shell forms 5 and 6 to pick up the plastic modulus from
viscoplastic materials for use in the assumed strain or hourglass control.

Modified the z-strain distribution in thick shell forms 5 and 6 when used in
composites with mixed materials that are isotropic.  The existing assumed strain scheme
was doing a poor job of creating a constant z-stress through the thickness.

Made the negative volume check more precise for brick element form 2 and prism element
form 15 such that elements with negative volume will be reliably deleted with warning
SOL+630 instead of sometimes causing the job to error terminate with error SOL+509.

Improved the time step calcualtion for thick shell forms 3 and 5.  A dependence on
volumetric strain rate was removed in order to prevent oscillations in the time step
which caused stability problems, particularly for thick shell 5.

Fixed thick shell constant stress option (TSHEAR=1 on *SECTION_TSHELL or *PART_COMPOSITE).
It was producing a not very constant stress distribution for mixed materials when there
was a significant difference in shear stiffness from one layer to the next.

Fix option ICRQ=1 on *CONTROL_SHELL:
Mixed meshes with quads and trias could lead to problems,
because sorting was not always correctly taken care of.

Fix for failure behavior of higher order shells (ELFORM=23/24).

Fix failure treatment in cohesive elements (*SECTION_SOLID, ELFORM=19-22).
With INTFAIL>1 for cohesive materials 138, 184, 185, 186, 240, or 279,
it was possible that some elements were eroded carelessly.
That somehow compromised SMP parallel consistency (ncpu<0) as well,
since force summation was adversely affected.

*SECTION_SHELL, Shell formulations 25-27:
– These forms now work for *PART_COMPOSITE.
– Deformation gradient is supported in user defined materials.
– The output to d3plot was in error when CMPFLG was used; this is now fixed.

Modified tolerances that trigger error messages SOL+865 and SOL+866 to prevent
unnecessary error terminations due to small inertias of discrete beam nodes.

Fixed error in user integration rule that gave the wrong number of
integration points in the type 23 shell

Fix error during input phase when using *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL for tshells triggered
when only tshells are present.

________________________ EM (Electromagnetic Solver)  ___________________     

________________________ Forming ___________________                          

Fixed instability issue after mesh pre-refinement along a line.

Fixed bug in *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_FORMING to speed up the simulation time.

Fixed problem in output of INTFOR data when no option _INTFOR is used in
*CONTROL_FORMING_OUTPUT. When _INTFOR is not used, INTFOR output frequency
should still be controlled by *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR.

Fixed segmentation fault during 2D trimming on AMD64 system.
Affected keyword: *DEFINE_CURVE_TRIM_NEW.

Fixed distorted elements along trim line in solid trimming.

________________________ *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN ___________________                

Updated SSD solver (steady state dynamics) so that it can work with *CASE keyword,
to solve the problems with multiple loading cases in one run.

Fixed a bug in accessing eigenmode databases, when

Fixed a problem in writing d3psd database in MPP.

________________________ ICFD (Incompressible Flow Solver)  ________________  

Fixed the conjugate heat transfer solver which was broken in R9.

Add test for the shape function at the
insertion of a node in 2D. Basically if a node will be inserted too
close to an edge or vertex then do not insert it.

________________________ Implicit ___________________                         

Corrected an error in the symbolic factorization for implicit mechnics for
large out-of-memory problems.

Fixed a dynamic memory storage leak (allocation with no free) when
using unsymmetric stiffness option for implicit mechanics.

Allow binary format for implicit dumping of damping matrix.

Fixed having a spurious SPCFORC file for Implicit Mechanics when there was no

Enable KSLVR iterative solvers for implicit mechanics in both SMP and MPP.
These are solver options 22 through 26.

For MPP Implicit executions, disable using MMD for MF2 if at least one process per compute
node is using Metis.  There are some strange models where MMD takes an extremely long
time with no benefit.

Fixes to *PART_MODES:
– Properly handle jobid with regard to the input file.
– Properly handle parts with only solid elements.
– Properly handle MPP execution where some processes are not involved with a part.

Since R8 we have been loading dynamic terms to the stiffness matrix
when we should not have been.  An example is an eigenvalue analysis
where the user had a *DAMPING keyword included.  Such terms are no
longer loaded inappropriately.

Output states for spcforc are now written at
keypoints when a curve defines DTMAX in *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_AUTO.

For implicit-explicit switch, the reinitialization of velocities during switch
was not correct; this is now fixed.

________________________ *INITIAL ___________________                         

Fix 3 bugs for *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION involving OMEGA>0 and ICID>0:
– When NX.eq.-999, node NY to node NZ is now the rotational axis. Period.
– When NX.ne.-999, (XC,YC,ZC) is no longer rotated along ICID, rather it’s in the global coordinate system.
– When *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION is included by *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM, (XC,YC,ZC) is now transformed.


Fix inadvertent detonation of HE part(s) not included in *INITIAL_DETONATION
when there are multiple HE parts.

Fix *INITIAL_STRAIN_SHELL output to dynain which were all zero for 12<=iop<=15
despite the strains being initialized with *INITIAL_STRAIN_SHELL.

Fix incorrect initial velocities when using *INITIAL_VELOCITY with IRIGID=-2 and ICID>0.

Fix issue of part using *MAT_220 being incorrectly initialized with initial velocities
during dynamic relaxation when *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION is used.

Fix incorrect velocity of accelerometer if
a) velocity is prescribed on the rigid body that the accelerometer is attached to, and

________________________ Isogeometric Elements ___________________            

________________________ *LOAD ___________________                            

– Bug fix to avoid deadlock.
– Bug fix for pressure interpolation during restart.
– Increase the file size limit for segment file size.

Fixed problem of variable CID for *LOAD_NODE_POINT not being read for  long=s.

________________________ *MAT ___________________                             

MPP support for *MAT_RIGID_DISCRETE with rotations.

Two fixes for *MAT_274/*MAT_PAPER:
– Fixed output for shell formulation 26.

Fix error in EOS as used with *MAT_224.

Fix inconsistency for *MAT_MODIFIED_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY/*MAT_123 when ncpu<0.

Fix ‘plasticity algorithm did not converge’, SOL+500, warnings when using ncpu>1



Fix incorrect damping when using *DAMPING_PART_STIFFNESS for *MAT_16/*MAT_PSEUDO_TENSOR

Fix convergence issue in *MAT_MODIFIED_ZERILLI_ARMSTRONG for shells when VP=1.

Fixed spotwelds with DMGOPT=12 (*MAT_SPOTWELD) by removing warning STR+1327 which made
it impossible to set a small value of RS without triggering this warning,
or without setting EFAIL smaller.  Setting EFAIL small however could lead
to damage initiation by plastic strain when the user wanted only initation
by the failure function.
Also, if DMGOPT=10, 11, or 12 and EFAIL=0, damage will now initiate only
by the failure function.  If EFAIL>0, then damage will initiate be either
the failure function or when plastic strain exceeds EFAIL.  Prior to this
version, damage could initiate when plastic strain exceeds zero if the
user set EFAIL=0.  This behavior is still true for DMGOPT=0, 1, or 2, but
no longer for DMGOPT=10, 11, or 12.

Fixed internal energy outputted to glstat and matsum when Rayleigh damping was used with
*MAT_024 in thick shells 5 and 7.  This fix has no effect on the solution but affects
the outputted energy.

Fix bug that could unexpectedly affect behavior of *MAT_054, *MAT_055, or *MAT_058
in combination with TFAIL/TSIZE.gt.0.0 and *DAMPING_PART_STIFFNESS.

Add default values for strengths (XT,XC,YT,YC,SC) in *MAT_058.

Enable possibility to use a strain rate dependent table for
*MAT_ADD_EROSION’s input parameter LCFLD.

Limit the internal element thickness in *MAT_169 to 5% of initial
thickness to avoid instability of highly deformed elements.

Allow failure for all material models when they are used

Correct internal energy calculation in GISSMO.

Fix for combination of *MAT_ADD_EROSION’s GISSMO and solid elements

Fix contact stiffness for *MAT_244 with PR<0.

Enhancements for *MAT_224:
– Add erosion flag ERODE analogous to *MAT_015.
– Add failure indicator based on a plastic strain and strain rate
  dependent principal stress criterion: Table ID on Card 3, Column 5.

Fix bug for *MAT_224. Since R7.1.1 it was possible to use the temperature
from the thermal solver in a coupled simulation, but that was unfortunately
broken in R8.1.0 and R9.0.1. Now it is working again.

Add missing tangent stiffness to *MAT_240 so that it can now be used in implicit.

Made fixes for large curve ids and *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM offsets (IDFOFF)

Added internal erosion of elements when *MAT_273/*MAT_CDPM is completely damaged to
avoid excessive deformation and volume inversion.

In rare cases, tolerances were set in *MAT_269/*MAT__BERGSTROM_BOYCE_RUBBER
to result in poor stress responses; this is now fixed.

Make sure strain rate effects in *MAT_089/*MAT__PLASTICITY_POLYMER honor the

Fixed problem of very large d3crack file for *MAT_WINFRITH.

Make change to *MAT_189’s thermal stress calculation based on
customer request.  The thermal stress is now more like *MAT_021’s.

Fixed input error when using *MAT_ELASTIC_WITH_VISCOSITY_CURVE/MAT_60c
when LCID=0.

Fixed bug in tempering option for *MAT_244.

Fixed time step calculation for *MAT_089 solid elements.
Prior to fix, response could be unstable especially for higher values
of Poisson’s ratio, e.g. 0.4.

________________________ MPP ___________________                              

Fix decomposition options related to distribution
of contact interfaces — the IDs were not being handled

In some cases, with a number of processors larger than 2,
the thermal solver was hanging inside spooles because some processors
did not own part of the matrix system. We solved this issue by changing
the MPI communicator.

________________________ Output ___________________                           

Fix for MPP bndout data when
there are multiple velocity boundary conditions
on a node/rigid body with differing birth/death times.

Forward and reverse filtering was added to the d3plot file.
The additional variables required are read when _FILTER is added to

Fix no output to bndout when run with q=remap even though the keyword *DATABASE_BNDOUT
was present in the remap run but was not present in the initial run.

Fix d3plot output frequency which was different from the dt specified in

Fix stress output to elout for solid elements which was in the global coordinates
instead of local coordinates when CMPFLG=1 in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY and OPTION1>0

DCOMP=2 in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY no longer corrupts d3part database.

Fixed problem of overly large d3thdt database being written when dynamic relaxation is used.

Fixed problem reading ID for *DATABASE_HISTORY_DISCRETE_ID.

Fix bug in *DATABASE_TRACER cards when used with *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM, where
the node offset was being applied to NID even if NID was not specified.

Fixed SPC output missing problem in binary dynain.bin file.
Affected keyword: *INTERFACE_SPRINGBACK.

________________________ Restarts ___________________                         

Fixed a bug in a full deck restart that contains a new rigid body part
whereby the code could initialize the wrong part.

________________________ *SENSOR ___________________                          

Fix for *DEFINE_FILTER of type CHAIN.

________________________ SPG (Smooth Particle Galerkin)  __________________   

________________________ SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) ______________   

Enable SPH injection option.

Corrected calculation of penetration between SPH particles in contact.

Fixed bug affecting conversion of tetrahedral solid elements into SPH particles.

________________________ Thermal ___________________                          

Fix possible seg fault in some MPP thermal problems.

Fix bug for the thermal part of TIED_WELD contact.

3D r-adaptivity (ADPOPT=7 in *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE) now supports *INITIAL_TEMPERATURE defined on the adaptive part.

________________________ XFEM (eXtended Finite Element Method)  ____________  

Added support of triangles in base 16 XFEM.

________________________ Miscellaneous ___________________                    

Update to support encryption with the long input format.


Fix for parameter input in *INTERFACE_LINKING.

Fix issue of SMP non-consistency even when consistency mode is turned on, ncpu<0.

be subdivided into sections along the cylinder length.
The section forces will be output to rwforce in the same format
as segment data.

Fixed bug in using binary form of dynain (dynain.lsda).

Allow jobid to be specified for an adaptive run that contains *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM.

ISNAN variable in *CONTROL_SOLUTION is now included in dyna.str.

Fixed bug affecting use of multiple include files when “newformat” option is used.

Fix problem of missing SPCs in binary dynain file (dynain.bin).

Added “i10” input format to expand i8 fields in the keyword input to i10,
thereby accommodating larger node and element IDs, for instance.
This is a less drastic change to the input format than going to “long” format where
all input variables, both real and integer, are expanded to e20 and i20.
See the User’s Manual for more information about “long” format.
– To automatically convert a standard format input file to i10 format, use the
    command line “newformat=i10”.  This will create a new input file with
    “.i10” appended to the input file name.
– LS-DYNA will read keyword data in i10 format if “i10=y” is included on the execution line.
– Alternatively, i10 format is assumed for a particular keyword if “%” is appended to that
    keyword, e.g., “*NODE %”.